May 2

School Comparison

Hey peeps!

I made for the student blogging challenge: a Google slide. If this doesn’t work, let me know and I’ll figure something out.


Posted May 2, 2020 by zman914 in category Uncategorized

3 thoughts on “School Comparison

  1. #stubc commenter Daira Ruta

    Thanks for sharing, Zane!One of my best friend’s name is Zane (It is a traditional Latvian girl’s name, but we pronounce it Zahn-eh.)I am #stubc commenter and English teacher Daira Ruta. This is neat. I don’t know much about Afghan schools at all. I know that coming to Latvia, after having lived my whole life and myself been educated in America, it was not easy to adjust. In Latvia, students only need to attend school through grade 9. After that, they can leave school or continue. At first I was shocked by this, but now I see how this is maybe a fine idea, since not all young people want to be professional, serious students. There are other skills they can learn. We sometimes don’t have all the resources we need at school, but I think that just makes us be more creative and not less efficient. Like if everyone doesn’t have paper or something to write with, then I guess we need to come up with a more environmentally friendly solution. Thanks again for your very effective comparison/contrast!!! Keep up the good post writing!

  2. morussda

    I don’t see my comment, but I left one some days ago. I thought you did a really solid job of staying focused and comparing the education systems in both countries in very well-structured way. I am official #stubc commenter and teacher DairaRuta. I have been teaching for three years now in Latvia. We also have some schools that don’t have all the top-notch technology or equipment, but I don’t know that it makes our system of education less; it just provides with an opportunity to be more creative! Also, I taught in the US for 8.5 years prior to teaching here, and despite there definitely being some difference, there are more similarities and I think that is probably true universally. Have you looked to see how your education system is similar to Afghanistan? I think that would be neat to see also. Good work, student!

  3. Mamaw

    Hi Zane,
    You did a nice job on your slide show about comparing schools. You indeed are very blessed in the school you attend. Not having the necessary resources is a real challenge. Also, you are fortunate to have one of the best teachers anywhere. We are very thankful that you do have such a quality education. It is so important for your future.


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